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Tuesday, April 1, 2014


My first post in this page as you can see. I almost forgot that I have an account in this website until now. For people who might be able to read this (I don`t know; maybe you have clicked a certain link from your search engine that lead you to this page). I will warn you now, that my posts here might contain drama, rants and other uncool stuff people might dislike seeing on the Internet.

The sole purpose of me typing all this nonsense here is to have all my emotions out. Yeah, yeah... so some people find it annoying when someone posts about how they feel (they call it DRAMA) on the Internet, but not everyone is alike (So give people some respect! You don`t know what they`re going through. Damn it! Oops... My apologies, I got carried away. Hahaha... Anyways...) As for me, I am the type of person who is not that good with making friends. Sure I meet people from work, school, and through other people, we have a little chit-chat here and there but, they are only acquaintances. I do try to make good friends here, but the culture I grew up in and got used to is really different. I do respect their lifestyle and culture, but I just don't feel like I fit into those kind of stuff and I didn't want to change myself just because everybody is doing the same thing (I honestly don't go partying in clubs or even go inside bars but I like small gatherings; like get togethers and stuff like that). It is very rare for me to find good friends who I can share stories with, trust and lean on during the challenging phases of life.

Since I came from a country far from my current residence; it has been very difficult for me to keep up with my friends from back home (Time difference, man!). They are busy with work and stuff, so I did not want to bother them, I know that they have their own problems to face, and I did not want to burden them...so, yeah... I decided to vent out my feelings over here. My social skills are not top notch, so it is really difficult for me to create that special bond with some person I just met (plus, I am guilty of being socially awkward around new people and it seriously takes a lot of time... I meant, a LOOOT of time for me to get comfortable around them). So here I am, talking to myself inside my head and putting it out on the Internet, just to feel like I am talking with someone (it makes me feel that someone is listening to me). Everyone needs to let out some of those bottled up emotions somehow or they might end up being coo coo like me one day.

So yeah... I would like to thank the following:

*The creator and developers of the Internet. Thank you so much for this wonderful invention. Not only, you let people communicate around the world, but you also let people like me feel like they have millions of friends who listens to them ( omg! Admitting this things does make me sound like a looser. HAHAHA!).

*The person responsible for Blogger. I wouldn't be able to post anything about such and such if I do not have an account here. LOL

*The person from the other side of the screen. YOU. Yes, the one reading this post right now (if there is someone out there... Haha) and you understand or is trying to understand how I feel (maybe because we share the same soul) thank you for reading.

I do not have anything to tell you today ( actually, I kinda forgot my thoughts that I wanted to share... hehe). Maybe I should start writing about my life, from my point of view... Hahaha... Oh, well. Next time for sure.


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